Sunday, February 16, 2014

Cons of Energy Saving Light Bulbs

Here is an interesting article about the negatives (cons) of Energy Saving Light Bulbs:

Here is a comprehensive article about things to consider when purchasing lights for light therapy to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder:

Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)

Here is an article with animated diagrams that include a circuit diagram for a CFL light bulb.
He also explains dangers of these bulbs, how to read packages to understand how much lumens they emit, etc.

Another good article about the negatives of CFLs, which includes this paragraph:

"Incandescent lights (the classic light bulbs) basically consist of a wire in a glass container. Fluorescent lights work with gas in tubes, and inside of the bulbs electric lighters light this gas constantly, at a rate of approximately 60 hertz. Because of this, the light flickers, generally beyond perception; albeit at an annoying rate which may bother your eyes.
Fluorescent lights operate on a ballast. A ballast is an electrical device which generally acts as a resistor, but they work slightly differently in fluorescent lights, as they regulate the current to the light. Because of this ballast, headaches, nausea, reduced immune system functionality, and retina (eye) damage may occur. But this is nothing. It’s not incredibly scary, but I’m not done yet."

Click here for article:

One writer has written an article about how ugly and limited in style CFL bulbs are:

A website that talks all about the environmental and health hazards of CFL bulbs: 

Another writer talks in this article about how CFLs can damage skin and cause skin cancer: 

Another good article by The Examiner "Shedding Light on Misleading Performance Claims" (of CFL bulbs):

 For photographers, here is an article that explains the deficits of CFL bulbs when taking indoor photos with this lighting, who states "These bulbs do not have a high enough CRI (Color Rendering Index) for people":

1 comment:

  1. I think small businesses operate out of small buildings, and manage a smaller plant, as a result, the building itself might be dated, which can compromise energy efficiency and lead to an increase in costs over the long run. Luckily, there are various resources, technology, and software available that can help plant and facility project managers and teams monitor overall energy usage. Energy management Software review
